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Your soul’s plan

What are you committed to, and why are you doing what you are doing? Are you acting according to your values or just wandering around? Making yourself uncomfortable by answering these questions is the first step in discovering your life’s…

Little knowledge

We live in a world where there is information overload. We have little knowledge about everything but comprehensive knowledge of nothing. Remember that complete knowledge is power. A little knowledge is dangerous and can mislead people into thinking that they…

Leader leads

In life, it’s always better to set your expectations low but still communicate your expectations and make others speak up and make them accountable. A leader challenges others to think, provides them feedback, and seeks counsel. They create positive energy…

Simple rules of life

You are in charge of your happiness. Make peace with your past. Keep things in moderation. Family comes first. Treat others how they want to be treated, NOT how you think they might like to get treated. Be in the…

Treat yourself like a business.

Treat yourself like a business and be responsible for the planning and management of your life. Just like in a business, make money, improve the product (i.e., YOU), and become more efficient. Nurture your relationships, maintain your health, think of…

Love your art

Every year we all try something new but loving it and becoming better at it are significant struggles we all face. Loving your art is essential to feel motivated, continue working hard, and improve one’s skills. Otherwise, we either quit,…

Philosopher King

Philosophy helps us become a leader as it aids in making unending ethical decisions that require priorities, balance, and clarity. It cultivates our reasoning, ethics, and critical thinking. Philosophy makes you a better person and helps you do your job…


Be responsible and do something about your situation instead of blaming others and complaining about fate, lack of money, and contacts. Every small action that we take can influence our lives. So, love yourself, be consistent with your work and…

Keep learning

Learn what’s essential. Learn what’s needed. In real life, some things matter more than just dates and names. For example, learn the importance of perseverance, realize the danger of your ego and the risk of your distractions. To keep learning,…

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