Garv Chawla

Garv Chawla

Rise and Shine

“6 am, and your hand can’t make it to the alarm clock before the voices in your head start telling you that it’s too early, too dark, and too cold to get out of a bed. Aching muscles lie still…

It won’t be easy.

Doing good is not easy; it requires hard work and maybe bring you danger. But, good people will do what they find honorable to do, and nothing will deter them from it. They can work hard, do what’s right, and…

Protect your goodness

There’s a flame inside all of us that keeps us happy and energetic. It’s our job to make sure our fire has enough fuel that it doesn’t get obstructed when we reach for our goals, especially during the stressful times…

The right thing to do

Indeed, the right thing is usually straightforward and intuitive enough to feel in the gut. So do all your pros and cons but also listen to your gut feeling, especially when you’re unclear; flip a coin and decide while it’s…

Your duty

Every person has a purpose in nature. We are all a part of a more extensive system, so learn a suitable skill set not just for now but also for the future. Be a leader, don’t panic, respect time, get…

The Obstacle is the Way

In our lives, there always will be things happening that are contrary to our initial plans. But, remember that our mind is highly elastic and adaptable. In such times, seek out the silver lining. Check your attitude towards the problem,…

Power of self-discipline

Make incremental progress continuously. Simply improving yourself is like any other problem. You improve yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially by finding a solution and sticking to it. It’s possible to curb your arrogance and not be angry with ungrateful…

Adversity reveals character

A real friend’s reaction to adversity would be way different from ‘party pals’. So, pay attention to those around you. Do make sure you have what it takes to be the best in difficult times. Times like that can cause…

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