Garv Chawla

Garv Chawla

Listen more, speak less.

Sometimes all a person wants is an empathetic ear, someone paying attention to their thoughts and feelings. They might be in dire need. Seldom, there’s no need to give feedback, provide a solution or add more noise with your opinion.…

Try another way

Try it, even if you think it won’t work. Look at things differently and then try again differently. Take your chances, have fun and make mistakes to learn. Try things by “grabbing a different handle” since why continue lifting with…

Life is a never-ending battle.

Everyone’s life is a battle. We all are trying to survive and compete among a species whose population is in billions. To win this life battle, you have to be courageous, selfless, and have discipline in your life. You have…

Train your mind

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. So, cultivate skills like creativity, independence, and self-confidence not to rely on others to survive.…

Don’t make it worse

When bad things happen and everything goes wrong, please don’t make it worse. Calm yourself down and plan your way out. Don’t let your emotions take over when things go wrong, and look at the bright side. Like I said…

Solve your problems early

Sometimes we don’t even remember the reasoning or the source of an old problem, but we remember the emotions and how we felt about it. So, solve your problems early when the reasons and solutions are clear, and the emotions…

Brick by brick

Focus on the basics and the process. Great things take time and are built brick by brick, overcoming one minor setback and obstacle after another. Don’t try to solve everything at once. It can be overpowering. Break a big problem…

Right mentors

Today, we have all the information in the world accessible by the Internet, and we have all the great books written by the greatest men and women of all times. We can surely take benefit from their knowledge. Great mentors…

Stick or Quit?

The “grass is always greener on the other side,” so remember to give your best shot and be disciplined enough to control your temptation to quit. Try something new and give your 100%, but just because you’ve begun down one…

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