Category Rational

Your wants make you a servant

Some of us work multiple jobs, not because we want to, but because we just bought a new car or got a mortgage that needs to be paid off. We work day in and day out for people we don’t…

Change your Opinions

During our teen years, many of us were omnivores, but later on, arguments against meat and the environmental benefits of a plant-based diet changed our minds, too. Information can come in at any time, so be prepared to reevaluate and change…

Reason vs. Impulse

In the picture above, are you the rider or the horse? Are you the calm, composed, and logical rider or the wild, impulsive horse who needs to be tamed? There’s an animal in each of us that is constantly pushing us to be more…

Your power of Reason

While misinformation, disinformation, illogic, and half-truths are prevalent in today’s world, we have one tool that we can use to think more critically and clearly – our mental power of reasoning. Our reasoning allows us to understand people and helps us…

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