Category Responsibility

When you do nothing

Often injustice lies in what you are NOT doing, not only in what you are doing. Not doing evil isn’t enough; you must also be a force for good in the world. All that evil needs is good people to…

What matters in the end?

Your job becomes your identity when you feel like you have nothing else in your life. There is always work to do, and suddenly you have to remind yourself to relax and enjoy yourself. But, unfortunately, workaholics always make excuses…

People are dying everywhere.

Flood, famine, hurricane, and what not, somewhere someone is dying, most people express grief and are perfectly happy the next hour. Fake grief on social media is ridiculous. It’s incredible if you do something about it. Else, meaningless sympathy costs…

Every noble deed is voluntary.

Look at the bright side and turn “have to do” to “get to do.” You do the right thing and act nobly because you want to, not because you are forced to, even though sometimes, there are incentives to do…

Here to work together.

We are here to work together with each other. It’s easier to achieve goals, create a healthy society and act on innovative ideas when you have the right people around you. We can be open with our dependable peers, learn…

We are made for justice.

Our character and our environment influence our human nature. So while some are prosocial, others have selfish traits. Rules, social conventions, and fear of punishment are the reasons we behave. History shows that we are naturally inclined to justice. We…

Forgive them

Some people don’t know when they are doing something wrong, and sometimes people don’t know a better way to do something. So, don’t be hard on people who offend you or hurt you somehow. Needless to say that we should…

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