Deceived and Divided

  • We all like to think that we are good people, have a noble life purpose, and do what we say. But, do we?

  • We often say the right things but do the wrong things. We date someone we only find physically attractive even when we know they’re horrible to us. We make investments based on our emotions even though we know they are risky. We overestimate success and deceive ourselves. Despite our mistakes, somehow, we justify that it was the right thing to do at the time.

  • We’re internally divided. A constant battle rages between who we think we are, and who we really are. We make every effort not to let anyone threaten who we believe we are that we become someone we are not. But, this trick only fools us more than it does anyone else.

  • As things change, we frequently change our ideas, while calling others hypocrites, contradictory, or simply double-minded if they don’t act as they said they would.

  • We all have bad habits, and we know it. We all have internal and physical conflicting desires, judgments, and biased thoughts about everything around us. We know it, and even after knowing all that, we portray ourselves as somebody we are actually not.

  • Acknowledge even your painful realizations and try to understand your genuine motivations. Are you trying to deceive yourself because you’re scared? Are you trying to mislead yourself because of someone you love? Are you trying to fool yourself because society might not accept you? Take note of your thoughts and behavior, and ask yourself: who are you really? What are you really after?

But that’s just my take. Comment and share yours.

If this topic interests you and you’re curious to learn more – check out this book through this Amazon affiliate link that I thoroughly enjoyed – Spy the Lie: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception

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Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 423

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