Evidence-based decision-making

  • The human body has not changed much over the centuries. So, if there are evidence-based tips to be healthy, happy, and productive, why not follow them? If making a few small changes each day will significantly impact, why wait?

  • We live by our values and beliefs every day. What are we thinking? What are we doing? How are we doing it? To understand ourselves, we need to ask: where does that belief come from? Are they coming from our personal experiences, science, or simply following the crowd? It’s essential to understand how we differ from the rest and how similar we are to everyone else.

  • If science says that overeating sugar causes obesity and heart disease, why do we keep doing it? If our body loses more fat if we portion control and cook at home instead of getting home deliveries, why don’t we do it more? Why not consume more fiber, vitamins, and minerals from fruits and vegetables if they have been shown to be healthy?

  • Alcohol is “just empty calories,” and it disturbs our sleep, so why not limit it to special occasions? By the way, Saturday nights do not necessarily constitute special occasions.

  • We are also now aware that using bright light directly before bed disrupts our sleep hormones. If this is true, shouldn’t we avoid using bright lights within an hour of going to sleep?

  • Make the best decisions possible using the evidence currently available. If science tells us that sleeping 7-8 hours a day enhances our health, shouldn’t we take advantage of this fact? And, why not try waking up early if science says our bodies work best in the morning?

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Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 423

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