Nature’s order

  • Accept nature’s order just like you’d accept a doctor’s order and accept any bitter medicine a doctor prescribes. Accept nature’s way of healing you.

  • Nature is the most excellent place to heal and recharge. It is home so return to it as much as you can. Being in nature improves our eyesight, increases intuition, increases sexual drive and stamina, and improves overall health. In addition, it lowers suffering through depression and provides much-needed Vitamin D from sunlight exposure.

  • This planet has its boundaries, and we can only push it up to a limit. So, we must remember that we share this planet with not just fellow humans but all other creatures too. Nature is always in chaos, but even that chaos has an order that we humans must understand, respect, and accept to live peacefully.

But that’s just my take. Comment and share yours.

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Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 423

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