It’s okay to be wrong

  • To err is human. Right? The problem is when we choose to stay wrong and be blind to our errors.

  • There’s nothing wrong with being wrong. We are all constantly learning and growing and exposing ourselves to different beliefs. Thus, just because you said something 10 years ago doesn’t mean you still feel the same way. We should not feel ashamed of changing our minds.

  • Too often, we develop strong opinions about something. There is no doubt in our minds that we are correct, so we stubbornly defend it. Since we care so much about just being right, it’s easier to protect our viewpoints than it is to seek and accept the truth.

  • Sadly, much of what we experience today is shaped by our beliefs and not facts. It is therefore imperative that we question all of our beliefs, including the ones we unknowingly accept.

  • Be open to other viewpoints and consider the possibility that you might be wrong. If someone points out a legitimate flaw in your beliefs or actions, they are not necessarily criticizing you. Rather, they are offering an alternative that is better. Pay attention to it, and accept it if it is right. It’s for your own good.

  • Sure, being wrong is uncomfortable, but nothing makes you learn faster. Be humble enough to admit your mistakes. Doing so only facilitates learning.

  • Then, when you realize that you’re wrong, don’t blame your past for justifying your errors. Understand that it’s not a sign of weakness to admit that you are wrong. It’s okay to be wrong.

But that’s just my take. Comment and share yours.

If this topic interests you and you’re curious to learn more – check out this book through this Amazon affiliate link that I thoroughly enjoyed – Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error

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Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 423

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