• Whatever goodness and evil there is, it is all in our heads. There were things that people centuries ago used to do, but they never viewed them as suffering. Unlike our body, our mind is ours and can’t be stopped or tortured until we let it.

  • We all get up to 70,000 thoughts a day. That’s a lot of thoughts, so imagine the harm they could do, especially if they’re harmful, unproductive, or a waste of energy. You should treat your mind the same way you treat your body and avoid feeding it chaos.

  • As with any muscle, our mind is no different. If you don’t train it, it will atrophy and become a liability. So prepare your mind so that suffering no longer feels like suffering. Make it stronger than your emotions.

  • Mindfully check in with yourself and notice any tension without judging yourself. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge any mental weakness you’re experiencing. Acknowledge your weaknesses and find out why they keep coming up. Acknowledge them and move forward. 

  • Even though we all have problems, it is only when we have a strong mind that we will be able to overcome those problems. We just need the right attitude to overcome them. You can fix it. Don’t panic, don’t run; just believe you can do it.

  • As with our valuable time, we cannot spend our minds on everyone and everything. We don’t have to spend our time worrying about events beyond our control, and we don’t need to constantly keep our minds busy. Don’t “waste” your worry. Keep your minds clear and prioritize things worth caring about.

But that’s just my take. Comment and share yours.

If this topic interests you and you’re curious to learn more – check out this book through this Amazon affiliate link that I thoroughly enjoyed – Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life

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Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 423

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