Protect your peace

  • We are all at different stages of our lives. You’re not like your friend, or your mother, or your brother, or your cousin. You’re you! You’re unique! Their situation is different from yours. So, you need to tell yourself that it’s okay that you don’t want to do something everyone else might want. It’s okay to accept that your life is different from some others.

  • Some find peace in comfortable living, while others find peace in tolerable discomfort. How you define peace doesn’t have to be the same for everyone.

  • Be true to yourself and speak up if something is bothering you? Question your habits and see why you do what you don’t want to? Why are you comparing yourself to others? Are you trying to control what you can’t? Are you running after others’ admiration of you? Why do you need their approval?

  • Protecting yourself is not something that you accomplish in a day. As with anything meaningful, it takes time to remove things from life that don’t serve you and make yourself at ease. We need to change our mindset – we need to stop feeling like victims and accept the things we cannot control. Does life seem unfair to you? Sure. But, can you do something about it? If not, then why bother?

  • Run, read, meditate and find other sources to protect your peace of mind. However, if you turn to these sources too much too often, there is something fundamentally wrong. Figure that out. Assess your life and ask yourself if who you are is truly who you want to be? Ask if what you do in life aligns with what you want to do? If you discover that you don’t like your answer quite often, then it’s time to make some meaningful changes.

But that’s just my take. Comment and share yours.

If this topic interests you and you’re curious to learn more – check out this book through this Amazon affiliate link that I thoroughly enjoyed – Grow Rich!: With Peace of Mind – How to Earn all the Money You Need and Enrich Every Part of Your Life

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Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 423

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