Reason vs. Impulse

  • In the picture above, are you the rider or the horse? Are you the calm, composed, and logical rider or the wild, impulsive horse who needs to be tamed?

  • There’s an animal in each of us that is constantly pushing us to be more successful, earn more, be more physically fit, and mate with the best partner. We do have a rational mind as well. But, as a horse’s energy can become uncontrolled and can overpower its rider, so too can our own impulses overwhelm rationality at times.

  • We all have passionate impulses, but they are always temporary and do what feels good short-term. Think about the last time you acted on an impulse. How did it go? You probably regretted it, as we usually do when we operate on a whim.

  • Embrace your reason instead of your impulsive animal mind. Your reason thinks long-term. Your reasoning mind allows you to analyze your thoughts and recognize their flaws. It is ready to suffer short-term discomfort in return for long-term peace and happiness.

  • It is our reasoning mind that slows us down, enabling us to think right and to have insight, experiences, and logic that our impulsive animal minds lack. When the time comes, our reasoning mind must take control back from our urges and impulses, especially when they become out of control.

But that’s just my take. Comment and share yours.

If this topic interests you and you’re curious to learn more – check out this book through this Amazon affiliate link that I thoroughly enjoyed – Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings

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Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 423

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