Stop. Just Stop!

Say It to Yourself. You Need to Hear It From Yourself.


Slow down.


Just chill.

Looks at what’s happening around you. Look at all the good things you’ve achieved. Look at all the little things you now got. You did it.


Well done.

Did you reach here by chance? You worked so hard for this.

Just relax.

You did so good. Well done.

Just stop for a moment and see what you have achieved.

You did great. You got what you asked for yourself a few years back. Think about it?

You never thought you’d be so lucky to get all this. Did you?

You never thought you’d reach this point.

You never thought you would gain so much talent and skills all these years.

Just wait and think of what you did. It’s amazing. Isn’t it?

Just WOW

You can relax for now! You can stop right now. You can breathe.

Take a moment for yourself. Thank yourself.

Otherwise, what’s the point of it all?

Otherwise, why are you even doing it?

Otherwise, why suffer so much?

Just stop!



You’re doing great!

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Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 423

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