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Give others the benefit of the doubt

As humans, we all over expect things from others. So it’s better to be in another person’s shoes when observing their actions and be accommodating with our assumptions about them. It’ll eventually make us more tolerant and our life much…

Revenge is a Bad Idea

If someone treats you poorly and rudely, then you don’t have to respond with rudeness, and if you do, then you’re only giving a justification for others’ rudeness. In the end, nobody can remember why it all started, so keep…

Set standards for yourself

Our job is to set standards, use them and never compromise on them. Don’t just react and respond to the event of your day, instead pause and ask if what you’re doing is consistent with what you believe. Set standards…

Higher vs. Lower Pleasure

There are levels of pleasure in life. Some pleasures are better or more valuable than others. For example, the pleasure of learning things and helping others is more valuable than drinking. Pleasures like going to the gym, working out, and…

Your path

Who knows if you choose a path or if the path itself chooses you. Later in life, you might achieve your dreams and choose a career path you never knew existed. So, understand that you’re right where you are meant…

True Needs

Your actual needs are small. As humans, we only have a few basic needs like food, water, and security to live with our friends and family. We can manage with it just like most people had to cope with even…

Unexpected Events

The next time you help a friend with a breakup or make a charity, do think about the possibility that you could be on the receiving end of it too. If something unexpected happens, then slow down and breathe because…

No Pain, No Gain

There’s some pain behind every great leader, great artist, and great story because achieving dreams is not easy, and it’s challenging. They need your commitment, but that can be motivating. Great athletes don’t avoid the test of their abilities; they…

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