Truth about Learning Anything New

Uninformed Optimism to Informed Pessimism

Most of us have experienced the thrill and joy of learning something new, whether it’s a language, a musical instrument, a coding language, or even a new sport.

For me, recently, I ventured into the world of blog writing, strummed my first chords on a guitar, practiced my ‘bonjours’ and ‘mercis’ in French, took flight lessons to earn my private pilot license, and even dabbled in mixed martial arts.

With each new pursuit, I’ve experienced an exhilarating rush of enthusiasm and optimism, only to later be confronted by the realities of the challenges ahead.

The initial rush of enthusiasm and optimism often catapults us into a state of uninformed optimism.

However, as we delve deeper into the learning process, our excitement can quickly transform into “informed pessimism” as we begin to recognize the complexity and effort required.

“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”

Arnold H. Glasow

Uninformed Optimism

Uninformed optimism typically occurs at the beginning of the learning journey. 

Fueled by enthusiasm and curiosity, we are confident and optimistic about their abilities.

At this point, we often underestimate the complexity and the extent of the skills we are about to learn.

For example, consider you learning to play the guitar for the first time. During the initial phase, you may feel a great deal of excitement and optimism, believing that you will master the instrument in no time.

This initial phase is characterized by a lack of understanding of the depth and breadth of knowledge and skill required to master the instrument.

This stage of uninformed optimism is a blissful state where we are yet to confront the challenges of the learning process.

Transition to Informed Pessimism

As we continue with our learning journey, we start encountering the complexities and difficulties inherent in mastering a new skill.

This is the stage where we start to understand the breadth and depth of the knowledge we need to acquire, and the optimism we initially had begins to fade.

Continuing with the guitar-learning example, as a person begins to understand the amount of practice required, the difficulty of chords, and the nuances of rhythm and timing, we may start to feel overwhelmed.

Initial optimism is now replaced with pessimism.

This transition from uninformed optimism to informed pessimism can be a very discouraging experience.

Been there.

This informed pessimism is often accompanied by feelings of disappointment, frustration, and even thoughts of giving up.

However, it’s essential to remember that this stage is a natural part of the learning process. It’s a sign that we are gaining a more realistic understanding of the task at hand.

Final Thoughts

The journey from uninformed optimism to informed pessimism is an integral part of the learning process.

It’s a transition from an initial state of naivety to a more profound understanding of the complexities involved in acquiring a new skill.

By understanding this phenomenon and implementing strategies to navigate it, we can manage our expectations, stay motivated, and ultimately persevere in our journey toward mastery.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your mastery be. Take your time, every stroke of the chisel counts.”


Remember that the journey of learning is not always linear or easy, but it is undoubtedly rewarding.

Spread the word. Share your love.
Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 424

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