What’s your circle of influence?

  • You can control and have full authority whether you want to eat a pizza or not. But, can you control your friends? All you can do is influence them in their decision, but not control them. Understand the difference between complete control and influence.

  • Your circle of control is your choices, will, mindset, how you treat others, your ideas, efforts, and behavior, while you can only influence others’ thoughts and their actions. So know what’s inside your circle of control and your circle of influence. Control your mind because your mind can influence your body. Our bodies can get physically ill or deformed at any time, but your thoughts? Well, that’s on you.

  • People worry about all sorts of things, whether they can control or influence them or not. Your worrying only prevents you from relaxing, and it takes control of your thoughts and saps your energy. So, don’t worry. If you can solve your problem, then don’t worry about it, but if you can’t, then why worry about it?

But that’s just my take. Comment and share yours.

If this topic interests you and you’re curious to learn more – check out this book through this Amazon affiliate link that I thoroughly enjoyed – Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

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Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 424

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