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Stick or Quit?

The “grass is always greener on the other side,” so remember to give your best shot and be disciplined enough to control your temptation to quit. Try something new and give your 100%, but just because you’ve begun down one…

This is what you’re here for

Life won’t be easy, and it won’t be fair. It wasn’t easy for our ancestors, but they still survived. So, don’t complain and keep on fighting your battles. Hassle is a part of being human, and your adversity may as…

Try new things and be flexible.

We should be flexible in accepting failures and focusing on what we can do instead. Don’t do just one thing; instead, try different things and get more perspectives in life. You’re a complex being, and just one thing can’t define…

Bigger picture

When we are down here, going about things, we get heavily attached to things around us, and it’s easy for them to affect us: our family, politics, and even the soccer team we support. When we take a bird’s eye…

Obstacles are the Way

Things can always go wrong. So, don’t take anything that you have for granted. If things have to go wrong, they will. So, always have this positive fallback and take things in a positive light when everything falls apart. Look…

Our only obligation

Our only obligation is to be a good person. How to be one? By choosing a role model, and being a role model yourself, by loving yourself, and not comparing yourself to others, by making goals for your life and…

Hard work vs Smart work

Being productive outweighs working hard. Evaluate what you are doing? Why you’re doing it? And where it’ll take you? As for this blog, you’re spending few mins a day reading and then journaling. Probably because you love reading and want…

Your work is your therapy.

We’re all social and creative beings who love freedom. Your work can make you feel independent, and it can give your life meaning. You feel like you have an identity and not just a name, and it can dramatize your…

A quick guide to decision-making

How to make tough decisions? ask for different perspectives, don’t get attached or get upset, remember your values and do the right thing, think long term – in years, not days, and stay away from “What if I did the…

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