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Make your own luck

“I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.” – Brian Tracy. Be clear about your goals, be positive, believe in yourself, and believe that you’re lucky.…

Focus on today

Focus on the present. “In the end, it’s not the years in life that count; its life in the years.” – maybe Abraham Lincoln. Today, conquer your addictions and remove them from your life. Today, forgive and forget your past. Today,…

Today be the day you treat yourself

Let today be the day you enjoy the little things in life, exercise more, take care of yourself more, relax more and call your friends and family. Let today be the day you treat yourself, do things you wanted to…

Don’t quit

A quote by Sylvester Stallone in Rocky Balboa describes it the best “It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It’s about how much you can take and keep moving…

Choose quality

Please slow down, think, take your time and do things right. Always choose quality over quantity. Don’t be overwhelmed by the volume of books you want to read; focus on the few quality books you can repeatedly read for a…

Don’t just learn; practice.

Don’t be satisfied with mere learning, but practice and train. Do it several times to truly learn. Do it often so it can become a part of you, so it’s in your memory and muscles. Also, practice even if others…

How you do anything is how you do everything

How you handle today is how you’ll take every other day. If you face a challenge with courage, then you’ll probably face other challenges with courage. Don’t worry about the outcome because what will happen will happen. So, act right.…

Perfect stoic

Someone who behaves flawlessly in every situation is an ideal, not an end. One never becomes perfect. It’s forever a work in progress. See philosophy as something you can practice and make incremental progress along the way. Enjoy the journey…

How-To good habits

Build a positive habit or replace a bad habit with something good today, repeat it tomorrow, and then again. Don’t ruin your streak. Start small, and understand what is holding you back and celebrate your little victories.  Your job is…

Appreciate what you got

Don’t let things you don’t have blindfold you from what you got. Stop trying to get what other people have. Appreciate what you already have, complain less, and be less stressed. But, also remember that someday you might lose what…

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