Money, Ambition, and Greed

  • The truth is that money is not all bad as our society would have us believe. Consider this: Who do you think can make a more significant impact? A billionaire or a guy with just a few hundred dollars? Money certainly does help you reach your life’s goals and much more.

  • We start having a problem when we believe that having more money will make us happier, and we forget where the line is, thus becoming our greed. The problem is not that we chase after money, but to forget how we wish to achieve that wealth. It becomes a problem when we forget how low we can go to get it.

  • Some confuse greed with ambition. Sure, even though greed and ambition both mean the same thing, they have different connotations, and it’s crucial to understand the difference. So now, how do you decide what’s ambition and what is simply greed?

  • Ambition is a positive trait, but greed is a negative one. Ambition is your desire and determination to achieve success, and it may even motivate you to work hard. Greed, on the other hand, is self-centered and unfulfilling. It might even make you more enemies than friends because people simply lose interest in those who only ‘take’ and never ‘give.’

  • When you are greedy, you are angry, jealous, never satisfied, and insensitive to other people’s feelings. Greed is like sea water; the more you drink, the thirstier you become. You can realize your ambitions, but not your greed.

  • When people become slaves to their own greed and excessive desires, they become unethical and start taking shortcuts to get what they want. Have you ever given in so much to your own greed and extreme desires that you lost control of yourself? Have you ever bought something that, in retrospect, you realized you didn’t need, but you still purchased it?

  • If we remove expectations from our future, would we still be greedy? Would we still be greedy if it was our last day? We have all set crazy expectations for our future self, but there should be a limit to how far you want to push yourself and what the cost would be.

But that’s just my take. Comment and share yours.

If this topic interests you and you’re curious to learn more – check out this book through this Amazon affiliate link that I thoroughly enjoyed – The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness

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Garv Chawla
Garv Chawla
Articles: 424

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