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Room for improvement

There must be a time when you thought you’d fail, but you didn’t. You need that faith, creativity, and energy in your life. Remember that there’s always room for improvement, but that takes conscious effort, dedication, and work. Think through…

Strength in silence

Chances are there are things that you might have said just to reassure yourself, which you didn’t need to. This compulsive talking could be an indication of your insecurity because you’re uncomfortable with pauses. By staying quiet, you’ll be able…

Don’t blame, just focus.

When things go wrong, don’t look for a scapegoat instead of solving those problems. Don’t make others responsible for difficult things that happen to you. Take responsibility, and seek help. It’s hard to work when you’re emotional, and your mind…

It’s here, and It’s anywhere.

Be more pragmatic and handle your situations right here. There’s no need to take time apart or take a vacation to fix a relationship. That’s self-deceit at best. Your good life is here, and it’s anywhere. There are a lot…

Work anyway!

Obstacles are the way. They teach you things about yourself which a good time can never do. Obstacles make you stronger if you’re ready to accept and adapt to your situation. In a way, it’s a blessing in disguise. Be…

Overcome Perfectionism

Instead of perfectionism, embrace your imperfection and the philosophy of pragmatism. Accept things as they are and stop worrying about the results. Be honest with yourself, accept yourself and others as they are since no one is perfect. Don’t lose…

Meaning of life outside of work

Take pride in your work. Be grateful and realize it serves a purpose, pays the bill, and even better if you love your work. But, be flexible since most jobs are temporary and can be automated. You also never know…

The true joy

Work on your duty and purpose. The joy that comes from your passion can help you bounce back from every kind of adversity. As we have seen, celebrities and influencers with all the money and fame end up frustrated about…

Philosophy is your cure.

Philosophy teaches you how to think critically and analyze logically. Studying it liberates us from prejudices and broadens our perspective on life. It’s the love of wisdom. So, add philosophy to your life. Don’t just turn to your therapist as…

Check your privilege

Next time when you feel that the other person is stupid, think of the benefits you had all these years and the advantages of your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, health, education, physical ability, socioeconomic level. Indeed, you had a…

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