Category Rational

Adversity reveals character

A real friend’s reaction to adversity would be way different from ‘party pals’. So, pay attention to those around you. Do make sure you have what it takes to be the best in difficult times. Times like that can cause…

Explore the opposite

There are things, and specific patterns in your life that you know are not healthy or do not work for you. Figure out what they are, shift the focus of the problem to try the opposite, and break that pattern.…

How to not have problems

The wise manage their expectations, and they have learned the art to say “No” to handle others’ expectations and avoid disappointments. They always consider their worst and best scenarios, and since they already think about the worst-case, they prepare for…

Truly educated don’t fight.

Usually, our emotions lead the discussion, and we make it worse when we feel like we have to win this argument instead of learning something new. Don’t confuse education with wisdom. By getting to know other’s opinions, we enrich ourselves…

What do you really want?

Why are you doing what you’re doing? What are you hoping to achieve? Understand that there’s no need to work, work, and work to become “your profession” if you don’t want to. In the end, everyone wants just a few…


There’s a reason why Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg have sworn by walking meetings. When you have a challenging problem to solve or a decision to make, take a walk. Walking enhances creativity and is the reason why great minds…

Keep calm

Remember to be the casual, relaxed person in every situation who tells others not to worry. Being calm is contagious. Be that person who instills calm not by force but by example. Try to remove your fear, replace it with…

Focus on the present

When the big picture looks unachievable and is depressing, remember to focus exclusively on the present and avoid negative thoughts. Put one foot in front of the other and consider everything else irrelevant. Break it down to smaller goals and…

Be prepared and active.

Shit happens. Deal with it. Don’t wish to turn back time and remake your past in the way you want. Own up to your mistakes and correct your faults. Be prepared for today and surrender to fate as whatever can…

Offense or Defense?

Being offensive is to use force to secure a goal and eliminate the factors preventing it. Being defensive is to use force to make the threats go away and thus prevent yourself from getting injured. Which one would you choose?…

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