Garv Chawla

Garv Chawla

Perfect stoic

Someone who behaves flawlessly in every situation is an ideal, not an end. One never becomes perfect. It’s forever a work in progress. See philosophy as something you can practice and make incremental progress along the way. Enjoy the journey…

How-To good habits

Build a positive habit or replace a bad habit with something good today, repeat it tomorrow, and then again. Don’t ruin your streak. Start small, and understand what is holding you back and celebrate your little victories.  Your job is…

Appreciate what you got

Don’t let things you don’t have blindfold you from what you got. Stop trying to get what other people have. Appreciate what you already have, complain less, and be less stressed. But, also remember that someday you might lose what…

Focus on your actions

Focus on your actions and your responses, and not on the result. Give your best effort and enjoy the pursuit, and you’ll be content. You can’t control the results if they are subjected to the opinions of others. So, don’t…

Who are you becoming?

You can tell what kind of person you’ll become by the actions you repeatedly do. We are a product of our thoughts. Reward your good habits and change the unhealthy ones. Identify your patterns, analyze your triggers, value your past…

Kill them with kindness

Rudeness is a mask for weakness. It takes more strength to be kind than to be rude. Have that depth. When someone says something mean, show them genuine kindness, smile, point out the positive and let them talk. Hatred does…

Guilt worse than jail

A moment of vulnerability can mean destroying someone you care about and then spending years in regret. Misery often follows when you lack self-control. There’s stress in guilt, and it could be worse than jail. So, consider the consequences of…

Be Inspirational

Don’t just admire inspirational quotes; use them and produce some bold act of your own. Be honest, have high values, and stick to it. Be passionate about what you do—people who love their work prompt others to do their best…

Carpe Diem

Make something good of today before it becomes the past; make the most of it. Make the most out of today because you might not have tomorrow. You never know if everything will fall in place in the long run.…

Look at your choices

Focus on your choices. The right thing to do will always come from your reasoned choice. Your choices matter, not the circumstances, the struggle you might have to go through, nor the outcome of a situation, just your choices. If…

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